Manchego cheese is the Spanish cheese with Designation of Origin by excellence, recognized all over the world.
The special organoleptic characteristics of this cheese are due in large part to the milk, which hails exclusively from the Manchega breed of sheep. Manchega
sheep have adapted to the arid grazing pastures and the harsh climatic conditions of Castilla La Mancha, contributing to the creation of a semi hard cheese identified by its distinctive herringbone rind and sweet flavor.
All of our Don Juan Manchego cheese P.D.O. is subjected to a carefully established elaboration process with a slow ageing process. The elaboration of this cheese combines the tradition from the hands of our master cheesemaker, along with the technological advances and optimal ageing times, thus guaranteeing a unique flavor, aroma and texture.
Manchego cheese P.D.O. 4 months
Our Manchego cheese aged 4 months has a mild flavor with nutty notes, a pleasant flavor and a creamy texture.
Manchego cheese P.D.O. 6 months
Aged during 6 months, this Manchego cheese has an intense and slightly spicy flavor and a compact ivory colored paste.
Manchego cheese P.D.O. 12 months
Carefully matured for 12 months, this delicious cheese provides a unique sensory experience in every bite. It has a firm paste, a strong and spicy flavor with a remarkable character.
Organic Manchego cheese P.D.O. semicured
A mild and creamy pasteurized Manchego cheese aged 3 months, made using organic milk from sheep of the Manchega breed. It has a soft paste and a delicate flavor.
Organic Manchego cheese P.D.O. cured
Manchego cheese aged during 5 months made from organic milk from Manchega sheep breed. It has a compact paste and a more intense flavor and aroma.



goat cheese
Among our Goat cheeses, we have an assortment of semicured (3 months aged) and cured (5 months aged), Goat cheese soaked in Red Wine, a best seller, Goat cheese with Rosemary and Servilleta with goat’s milk.
Goat cheese semicured
Cheese made from goat’s milk, it has a slightly lactic flavor, a creamy texture that melts in the mouth and delicate taste.

Goat cheese cured
Cheese made from goat’s milk, with a minimum ageing of four months, it has an intense aroma and taste and a firmer paste.

Goat cheese with rosemary
Cheese made with pasteurized goat’s milk with a strong flavor. Its special aroma comes from the rosemary leaves that wrap the cheese, it has a compact texture and it is creamy on the palate.

Goat cheese in Red wine
This cheese is soaked in Red wine, hence its particular purple rind, and left to mature to absorb all the fragrances. The flavor is slightly acid and mild, with spicy notes.

Servilleta goat cheese
With a traditional shape given by the cloth used to press it, this traditional cheese has a soft texture and a mild flavor with a nutty note.

sheep cheese
Sheep cheese is a staple in the Spanish culinary tradition. Alimentias has selected some of the finest flavors: Sheep cheese with Rosemary, Smoked Sheep cheese and Servilleta with sheep’s milk, a traditional cheese named after the napkin used to press it.
Servilleta sheep cheese
With a traditional shape given by the cloth used to press it, this traditional cheese has a soft texture and a mild flavor with a nutty note.

Smoked sheep cheese
Smoked, aromatic and balanced raw sheep’s milk cheese. The fragrance of the beech smoke confers the cheese a distinctive aroma, with hints of roasted nuts, and it presents a yellowish ivory color inside.

Sheep cheese with rosemary
Cheese made with pasteurized sheep’s milk with a strong and persistent flavor. It has a compact texture; it is creamy on the palate and has a pleasant rosemary aftertaste.

ibérico cheese
Ibérico cheese is one of the most popular in Spain and very common in other countries. It is made with a mix of the three milks, with a higher percentage of cow milk. An exclusive product of Alimentias developed to enhance the flavor of this traditional cheese, Iberico 33-3 is made with 33% of each of the 3 milks, what makes for a cheese with exceptional flavor, with nutty notes and slightly spicy.
Ibérico cheese semicured
Mixing the three milks results in an exceptional flavor, the acidity of the cow’s milk blends with the aroma of the goat’s and the flavor of the sheep’s milk. It has a creamy texture and delicate flavor.

Ibérico cheese cured
Mixing the three milks results in an exceptional flavor, the acidity of the cow’s milk blends with the aroma of the goat’s and the flavor of the sheep’s milk. Intense flavor with nutty notes and a firm paste.

Ibérico cheese 33-3 semicured
Ibérico cheese made using 33%of cow’s, 33% of goat’s and 33% of sheeps’ milk: a perfect mix made exclusively by Alimentias, conferring the cheese an exceptional and unique taste.

Ibérico cheese 33-3 cured
Ibérico cheese made using 33%of cow’s, 33% of goat’s and 33% of sheeps’ milk: a perfect mix made exclusively by Alimentias, conferring the cheese an exceptional and unique taste.

Raw milk Ibérico cheese cured
Cheese made with the three types of raw milk. Cow’s milk dominates, sheep’s milk improves the flavor and texture, and goat’s milk gives it a slight acidic taste. Matured between 6 and 8 months.