At 650 meters above sea level, in an extensive elevated plain called the Spanish Meseta, the finest sheep breeds, Merina, Assaf, Lacaune and Manchega, from which we obtain the top-quality milk for our cheese, can freely pasture.

The origins of Meseta cheese date back to the Bronze Age, when farmers herded several breeds of sheep according to the ancient tradition of transhumance and obtained a cheese with a unique flavor profile by mixing the different milks.
Today, we take these traditions and make them our own.
After carefully selecting the best farms where milk quality complies with high standards, we craft this cheese following the traditional methods used over the millennia, observing optimal ripening times, and striving to protect animals’ welfare.

What makes Meseta cheese unique is the powerful flavor and texture, reminiscent of the original Spanish sheep cheese of Meseta central region, achieved through the perfect balance between the mix of milks from different breeds of sheep.
Meseta is a complex and intense cheese, with a firm and melt-in-the-mouth paste, a moderate acid flavor and a caramel smell.

Meseta 4 months

This 4-month aged Meseta sheep cheese has a smooth and buttery texture. The taste in the mouth is delicate and refined.

Meseta 6 months

After 6 months of ageing, this sheep cheese acquires more savory and caramelly notes. The texture is firmer with a unique and distinctive aroma.

Meseta 12 months

Meseta aged for 12 months is a cheese with a rich and complex taste: it has an intense nutty flavour and a deep fragrance, a firm ivory paste and spicy notes.

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